Long Term Home Care

Caring Services in London

Phone Number: 020 7483 0212

Carers groups

Carers groups are a great way for carers to get support. Everyone who goes to a carers group is a carer. So they know how hard it can be and have been through situations that you have before.

This kind of support can be a real help, just knowing that you are not alone can be a huge benefit to people. 

At the groups, people can share their own experiences of caring for people but they also offer a great deal more. Most groups meet regularly and may offer leisure activities, some offer speakers or just a place to sit and chat. 

Even if you have never been the type to go a group like this before, a carer's group can be a very powerful thing. It can provide you with a huge amount of support. 

Every carer at the group has been through what you are going thorough or is going through what you are going through. They can offer advice and help or just a friendly chat. It can be great to be in a room full of people who know and understand the struggles that you go through daily. 

Ask your dementia adviser, your social services department or Alzheimer's Society about the groups that are available in your area. 

All areas of the country differ and so there may not be one in your area.  But if there is we urge you to go, it can make a huge difference to your life. If you find it difficult to get out then there are also online groups available as well.