Long Term Home Care

Caring Services in London

Phone Number: 020 7483 0212

Going into hospital 

If the person that you care for goes into hospital this can be a very bewildering time for them.  But there is a lot that you can do to help get them through it.

Firstly ask who the named nurse is, this is the person responsible for coordinating the persons care as an inpatient. Tell them and other staff that the person you care for has dementia and ask to be kept informed about decisions. If you have Lasting Power of Attorney then it is a good idea to make this known as well. 

Write down important information about the person you care for and give it to the named nurse. Include how their dementia affects them and ways that ward staff and nurses can communicate with them. 

Tell them, for example, what name they like to be called, their first name or their last name. Also tell them what practical help they may need and their likes and dislikes. 

This not only really helps the nurses and other staff member at the hospital take care of your loved one but it also helps them manage in the situation. 

Being in unfamiliar surroundings can be very distressing to someone with dementia. So trying to make it as normal as possible for them will do a great deal of good.

Just remember, nurses know that carers know the people they care for extremely well. They will listen to you because it makes their job easier and the person's time in hospital nicer. 

If you found this information helpful then please that a look at the rest of our website.  You will find more information about dementia and caring for people with dementia.