Long Term Home Care

Caring Services in London

Phone Number: 020 7483 0212

Communicating with someone with dementia

As dementia develops it can affect people's ability to communicate.  This makes it a lot more likely that they will express themselves through their emotions. 

As their carers, it is likely that you are best placed to understand them.  But you may still need to learn new ways of communicating with them and understanding them. 

Everyone is different but below is a few general things to look out for when trying to communicate and understand a person suffering with dementia that can no longer communicate with words. 

If what the person is trying to saying doesn't make any sense then try looking for the meaning behind the words. They are usually trying to communicate how they feel. 

Avoid trying to test their memory, for example, asking what they did earlier. This can really make people feel down and distressed if the do not know the answer. 

Communication and dementia

People with dementia can also find choice confusing. It is best to keep it simple. Questions that only need a yes or no answers can make things a lot easier, rather than 'would you like a drink?' try 'would you like a cup of tea?'

These are a few techniques that can help with communicating between you and the person you care for. Above all us, speak slowly and use simple language and small sentences. 

We hope this article has helped you and can provide you with some techniques to further your care for your loved one. Please explore our website further to find other useful articles.